2015年12月13日 星期日



 1 去網頁 http://goo.gl/k38KQ5 看科目資料

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提供科目code、名、notes/book,例如:想要CCN1000 English notes。如果新同學不知道科目code,可以只提供科目全名,例如:Financia Accounting

 3 :你將於1-3天收到回覆所需資料的現有情況,如果3天後沒有收到回覆,請發多一次信息去ccnotesgroup@gmail.com

 4 :你確認要哪些資料,然後我們約交收方法、時間、地鐵站

1. 部分資料由該科導師上課前上傳到該科資料庫,由學生自行下載和列印,所以如果不想或者沒有時間在暑假或開學前預習,則無需購買,讓資料留給有需要的同學

2. 資料有:上堂筆記notes soft copy(電子版notes hardcopy(印刷版),有些印刷版有少量文字筆記、二手書second-hand Books、書影印本book hardcopy、書電子版 book softcopy

3. 每科的資料情況都不同,我們會不定時更新資料,尤其是每年6-10月和12-2

4. 同一科的notes和書可以分開買,價格範圍由$30$150

5. 希望同學購買資料後善用資料,認真預習

6. 2012年我們通過Yahoo blogemail和大家聯繫,2013-2014年使用Google BlogGoolge form2015起,我們與時並進,在Facebook主頁上和大家互動,如有任何疑問,可發信息去Facebookwww.facebook.com/ccsourcegroup,如果3天內沒有收到回覆,請發多一次信息去ccnotesgroup@gmail.com


Higher Diploma:
先click你個programme, 再click左下角“What will I learn”的三角形箭咀就見到

Associate Degree:
先click你個programme, 再click左下角“What will I learn”的三角形箭咀就見到


Year 1 semester 1:
Total讀5科,主要你個ProgrammeGeneral Education SubjectsCompulsory Subjects

Year 1 semester 2:
Total5科,主要是你個ProgrammeGeneral Education SubjectsCompulsory Subjects + 1或2科Discipline-specific SubjectsCompulsory Subjects

**簡言之,在Year 1共10科入面有8-9科都是Compulsory Subjects
**Year 1不需太快考慮選什麼Elective Subjects,因為Year 1 semester 2後期學校會提大家, 所以可以到時才問您的導師、同學等意見。

Year 2 semester 1:
Total讀5科,主要是1或2科Discipline-specific SubjectsCompulsory Subjects + 1或2科General Education SubjectsElective Subjects + 1或2科Discipline-specific SubjectsElective Subjects

Year 2 semester 2:
Total讀5科,主要是1或2科Discipline-specific SubjectsCompulsory Subjects + 1或2科General Education SubjectsElective Subjects + 1或2科Discipline-specific SubjectsElective Subjects

**簡言之,在Year 2共10科入面多數是Elective Subjects


2014年1月23日 星期四

2017年01月01更新:平買hkcc notes and/or 書

  • 科目資料  (排列次序按CCN 後面的數字開始,資料會不定期更新

CCN1002 Practical English for College Student
(2) notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes+Self-Learning Materials+Teaching plan

CCN1003 Chinese Communication for College Students
(2) notes包括:上堂用的lecture note + tutorial notes + supplementary notes

CCN1004 Creative and Critical Thinking
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + 手抄Notes + final exam revision+ final exam revision long question + assignment instruction + group project sample + pastpaper + study guide+ teaching plan

CCN1005 English for Academic Studies (Business) I
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + exercise + poem + worksheet + teaching plan+ mid-term test revision + grammar exercises and answers

CCN1006 English for Academic Studies (Business) II
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes tutorial notes + supplementary notes mid-term revision notes + assignment guidelines

CCN1007 Information Technology for Business
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + assignment instruction + grade A + group project sample + mid-term test sample questions & answers + exam common information+ mindmap + study guide + teaching plan

CCN1008 Mathematics and Statistics for College Students
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + learning circle exercises + answer to tutorial questions (even number)+teaching plan

CCN1009 Chinese for Business Communication
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + grade A+ group project sample 

CCN1012 Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes  + 平日習作評核指引 + 個人實習&終期報告問題 + 期末測驗指引

CCN1015 Healthy Living and Common Health Problems
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + reading + assignment instruction + pre mid-term exercise + exam guide + exam paper revision + mock exam answers + teaching plan

*CCN1016 Introduction to Internet Technology
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN1017 Introduction to Psychology
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary&tutorial notes&answers + mid-term revision + final revision + summary on various perspectives in psychology

CCN1018 Introduction to Sociology
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes

CCN1019 Japanese I
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + assignment instruction + group project report sample + exercise + revision notes+ teaching plan

CCN1021 Personal Financial Planning
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + assignment questions&answers + revision exercise + self practice questions&answers + supplementary notes + tutorial questions & answers + worksheet questions&answers + formulas and tables + test solutions + teaching plan

CCN1023 Principles of Programming

CCN1024 Putonghua for College Students
(2)notes 包括:考試必考的朗讀范文和錄音、多音字、量詞、粵普對譯、輕聲詞語、midterm paper&answer小組討論和個人短講指引

CCN1025 The History and Culture of Hong Kong
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + mid-term info + final exam info + assignment guildline + 中文notes word版 + teaching plan

CCN1028 Elementary Statistic
(1)書嘅hard copy98%
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + in-class questions&answers + exercise questions&answers + assignment suggested solution + mid-term infor&solutions + pastpaper questions&answers + recision exercise + tutorial answers + exam info + normal table + teaching plan

CCN1029 English for Academic Studies (Health Studies) I
-notes 暫無

CCN1030 English for Academic Studies (Health Studies) II
-notes 暫無

CCN 1031 Information Technology for Language Studies

CCN1032 English for Academic Studies (Social Sciences) I
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + assignment instruction + mid-term test briefing notes + source work exercise + supplementary notes + teaching plan

CCN1033 English for Academic Studies (Social Sciences) II
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + teaching plan

CCN1034 Information and communication technology
(2)notes包括:上堂用lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment instruction & sample + sample mid-term test paper & answer + teaching plan

CCN1035 The art of Reasoning
(2)notes包括:上堂用lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment instruction + class exercise answer + teaching plan

CCN English for Academic Studies (Design) I & II

CCN1041 Accounting for non-business
(1)hard copy,100%
(2)notes包括: 上堂用的lecture note + tutorial answers&solutions + readings + teaching plan

CCN1042 Economics and Society for Non-business Students*



CCN1045 Calculus
(2)notes包括上堂用的Lecture notes + In-class Exercise & solutions + Assignment question & solutions + Mid-term question & solutions + Teaching plan

CCN1046 English for Academic Studies (Science and Technology) I
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + teaching plan

CCN1047 English for Academic Studies (Science and Technology) II
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + text book answers + sample test questions & answers+ assignment guidelines + teaching plan

CCN1048 Introduction to Linear Algebra 
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + assignment Q&A + exercise + mid-term + teaching plan 

CCN1049 Physics I
-notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + teaching plan + ideal gas law + assignments

CCN1050 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 
(1) softcopy
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes(word) + lecture notes(PPT) + tutorial notes + assignment question & solutions + mid-term question & answer + tables + supplementary notes

CCN1051 Physics II
-notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial Q&A + assignment Q&A

CCN1101 Fundamentals of Human Resources Management
-notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + assignment guideline + teaching plan

CCN1102 Hotel Operations
-notes包括上堂用的Lecture notes+ Teaching plan+ In class exercises & answers+ Take home exercises + Revision notes + Assignment guideline + Supplementary notes 

CCN1110 General Chemistry I
-notes包括: 上堂用嘅lecture notes+ tutorial notes+ In class exercise + assignment guideline

CCN2002 Introduction to Economics
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes+ individual assignment sample + group project sample + tutorial notes questions & answers + self-access

CCN2003 Introduction to Marketing
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes question & answers + reading notes + teaching plan

CCN2004 Managing Organisations
(2) notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + MC exercise question & answers + final exam MC and Long Q sample & answer + individual assignment guidelines & sample + group project sample + review questions & answers + course outline + teaching plan

CCN2005 Organizational Behavior
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes+ supplementary notes 

CCN2006 Understanding Globalisation
(2)notes包括: 上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial questions & answers + project & assignment instruction + teaching plan

CCN2010 English for Workplace Communication
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + worksheet & supplementary notes + project & assignment instruction + final revision + teaching plan

CCN 2013 Exploring Human Nature

CCN2014 Food Hygiene and Nutritional Health
(1) softcopy,100%
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + review notes & exercise questions & answers + study guide suggested answers + project & assignment instruction + teaching plan

CCN2015 Gender Issues
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + FYP notes + individual assignment + teaching plan

CCN2019 Introduction to Communication Studies
(2)notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + final & mid-term notes + teaching plan 

CCN2020 Introduction to Philosophy
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + presentation notes + reading notes+ individual assignment + teaching plan

CCN2026 Mass Media and Culture

CCN2027 Oral Communication in English
notes 包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + IPA Materials + Assignment + Quiz + teaching plan 

CCN2030 Social Development in China
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes + individual assignment sample + teaching plan

CCN2034 The Perspectives of Eastern and Western Cultures
(1)hard copy,100%
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + readings notes + tutorial notes + individual research paper + teaching plan

CCN2036 Hong Kong Society
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes + group project instruction + individual oral history guideline + teaching plan

CCN2039 Fundamental psychology for health studies
notes包括上堂用的 lecture notes + supplementary notes

CCN2041 Applied Computing 
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes +  assignment instructions + teaching plan

CCN2042 Computer Programming
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial question, solution, sources +  assignment and test + teaching plan + Mid-term test + Exam Information and Revision

CCN2046 Music,Mind and Human Behavior  
notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + reference notes +  test info + documentaries + teaching plan

CCN2049 Chinese and Western Culture

CCN2101 Financial Accounting 
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + worksheet question&answers + assignment question & answers + 書上練習答案(tutorial answers&solutions) + summary of accounting principles + final exercise + revision exercises + teaching plan

CCN2102 China Tax
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes Q&A + individual assignment question & answers

CCN2103 Advertising and Promotion  
(2)notes包括:上堂用lecture notes + tutorial questions + grade A individual assignment sample + teaching plan

CCN2105 Business Economics

CCN2108 Business Law
(1)書嘅hard copy,100%
(2)notes包括: 上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes questions & answers + group project question & answer + individual Assignment question & answer + teaching plan

CCN2110 Consumer Behaviour
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture note

CCN2111 Cost Accounting  
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture note + tutorial notes + individual assignment sample + teaching plan

CCN2112 Customer Relationship Management

CCN2113 Financial Management
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes questions & answers + individual assignment question & answers + sample mid-term test question & answer + mid-term guide + teaching plan

CCN2121 Intermediate Accounting
(2)notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + individual assignment question & answer + answers for recommended questions + supplementary notes + teaching plan

CCN2123 Introduction to Auditing and Taxation 
notes包括上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes question & answer + individual assignment question & answer + supplementary notes + exam revision notes + teaching plan

CCN2126 Introduction to International Business
(2)notes包括: 上堂用的lecture note + tutorial notes + grade B+ group project sample + assignment instruction + teaching plan

CCN2130 Marketing in China
notes包括: 上堂用嘅lecture notes+pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN2131 Marketing Research Fundamental
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + questionnaire example + assignment & project instruction + teaching plan

CCN2138 The Events Industry
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes

CCN2139 Convention Operations
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + assignment & project instruction + teaching plan

CCN2140 Event Sales and Marketing
(2)notes包括:上堂用lecture notes + teaching plan

CCN2141 Exhibition Operations
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + assignment & project instruction + teaching plan

CCN2149 Special Events Planning   

CCN2151 Business Marketing
(2)notes包括: lecture notes + A grade group project + A grade individual assignment + pastpaper+ teaching plan

CCN2160 Negotiation Skills
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes(word) + lecture notes(PPT) + assignment & project instruction + review exercise question & answer + supplementary notes + teaching plan

CCN2162 Service Management in Hospitality and Tourism Industry
(2)notes包括:上堂用lecture notes + assignment & project instruction + teaching plan

CCN2166 Grammar

CCN2182 Professional English I & II

CCN2188 Culture, Politics and Power
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + final exam preparation  readings + assessment criteria + teaching plan

CCN2189 Developmental Psychology
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + teaching plan

CCN2190 Human Behaviour and Social Environment
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + teaching plan

CCN2191 Introduction to Social Service in Hong Kong

CCN2192 Introduction to Social Work
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + teaching plan

CCN2193 introduction to sociologica theory
notes包括:上堂用的lecture & reading notes

CCN2197 Working with Groups, Communities and Organisations
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes + guidelines for assessment + teaching plan

CCN2198 Working with Individuals and Families
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes + guidelines for assessment + teaching plan

CCN2201 Chinese Family and Culture
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes+ guidelines for assessment  + teaching plan

CCN2202 Chinese Film and Fiction

CCN2232 General Microbiology
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes +  tutorial notes + exercise questions & answers + exam guide + drawing assessment rubrics + individual assignment instruction + mcrobiology lab + past exam


CCN2235 Introduction to Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
(1)softcopy, 100%
(2) notes 暫無

CCN2236 Advanced Linear Algebra
notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + assignment with solution + mid-term test with solution + revision notes + teaching plan 

CCN2237 Applied Statistical Methods 

CCN2238 Computer Networking*

CCN2239 Data Structures
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment question & answers + teaching plan

CCN2240 Database Systems
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment questions&solutions + Java set up guide + midterm sample question + Instruction for using Eclipse + mid-term sample question + teaching plan

CCN2241 Discrete Structures

CCN2242 Object Oriented Programming
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment + teaching plan

CCN2243 Statistics for Business I
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + study guide + exercise questions & solutions + tutorial questions & solutions + individual questions & solutions + teaching plan

CCN2244 Statistics for Business II

CCN2255 Child and Adolescent
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + tutorial notes + assignment guideline + teaching plan

CCN2264 Computer Organision
notes包括:上堂用嘅lecture notes + pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN2265 E-business*
notes包括:上堂用嘅lecture notes + pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN2271 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Methods

CCN2272 Logic Design*
notes包括:上堂用嘅lecture notes + 5pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN2277 Survey Design and Analysis

CCN2279 Visual Interface and Interaction Design and Development

CCN3104 City Culture and Public Life
(2)notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes(reference notes + tutorial notes)

CCN3106 Introduction to Social Research
-notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + supplementary notes + reading report & presentations guidelines + teaching plan

CCN3109 Social Welfare in Hong Kong
-notes包括:上堂用的lecture notes + reading notes + guidelines for assessment + teaching plan

CCN3133 Computer System Principles 

CCN3143 Software Engineering 

CCN3147 Child and Adolescents Health

CCN Data Communications and Networking
(2)notes包括:上堂用嘅lecture notes + tutorial notes  question & answers + assignment question & answers + midterm test question & answers +pastpaper +teaching plan

CCN Sports Event and Programme Management
(2)notes包括: 上堂用嘅lecture notes + tutorial notes + pastpaper + teaching plan

CCN Principles of Marketing Management  
(2)notes包括:lecture notes(word) + lecture notes(PPT) + tutorial notes + self -assessment+ A grade group project + A grade individual assignment + pastpaper+teaching plan


  • 如果沒有您想要的科目,請填此表格告知我們,儘力幫你搵!https://goo.gl/9ZDAiG
  • 請新、舊同學留意:
    1. 部分資料由該科導師上課前上傳到該科資料庫,由學生自行下載和列印,所以如果不想或者沒有時間在暑假或開學前預習,則無需購買,讓資料留給有需要的同學
    2. 資料有:上堂筆記notes soft copy(電子版notes hardcopy(印刷版),有些印刷版有少量文字筆記、二手書second-hand Books、書影印本book hardcopy、書電子版 book softcopy
    3. 每科的資料情況都不同,我們會不定時更新資料,尤其是每年6-10月和12-2
    4. 同一科的notes和書可以分開買,價格範圍由$30$150
    5. 希望同學購買資料後善用資料,認真預習
    6. 2012年我們通過Yahoo blogemail和大家聯繫,2013-2014年使用Google BlogGoolge form2015起,我們與時並進,在Facebook主頁上和大家互動,如有任何疑問,可發信息去Facebookwww.facebook.com/ccsourcegroup,如果3天內沒有收到回覆,請發多一次信息去ccnotesgroup@gmail.com
如果你想------平買書and/or notes,請到: www.facebook.com/ccsourcegroup
如果你想------出讓書 and/or notes,請到: https://goo.gl/hURaQQ

我們見證過很多同學從開始灰心喪氣到2年後欣喜若狂走入大學, 所以希望大家,進入cc後繼續努力,你的毅力你的付出你的堅持一定會有收穫!也希望同學善用資料,爭取佳績,我們等你的好消息!